Playdoh Play Date *Disclaimer: I am an Amazon affiliate and may receive a small commission when you click on/purchase something via the links in my articles. I will never recommend a product that I haven't used and loved, though." Today was play date day for my boys and my friend's 2 year old boy. I knew we would have a 1 year old, 2 year old, and 4 year old navigating playing together so I made some playdoh up ahead of time. My thoughts were that it would be a great ice breaker because it lends itself to parallel play. I put some items in my little tray I use for playdoh and the boys had a blast get. My friend was surprised at the soft texture and lack of that weird smell that comes with the store bought kind she had used in the past. When I told her that it was homemade, she was way more impressed than necessary because, to be honest, playdoh is the EASIEST thing in the world to make! Now before people comment that Playdoh is messy and a nightmare to clean up, let me just say two things. First, as a former teacher, I want to point out that learning is often messy, embracing that kind of mess will benefit your children in so many ways. Second, this playdoh is really a cinch to clean up. Even on carpet, if you let it dry out, you can crunch it up into dust and vacuum it out. Some Benefits of Playdoh My playdoh recipe is noncook and takes maybe all of 5 minutes, start to finish. It is a great recipe for little ones to help with too, provided that you are the one that pours the cup of boiling water in. My mom was a preschool teacher for 28 years and so as a kid we always had some of this around as a boredom buster. Little did we know the benefits went far beyond entertainment. Some of those benefits include:
The Recipe Ingredients
That's it! It is so easy! I hope you try it and love it!